PostIt: Your AI Social Media Assistant

Introducing PostIt, your next-generation tool for crafting engaging and tailored social media posts. Utilizing cutting-edge AI technology, PostIt simplifies the process of creating posts that resonate with your audience, ensuring your social media presence is both vibrant and impactful.

How It Works

  1. Choose your social media platform and define your target audience.
  2. Upload an optional image to enhance your post.
  3. Specify the tone, subject, and purpose of your post.
  4. Our AI, leveraging the latest in natural language processing, crafts a post tailored to your specifications.


  • Support for multiple social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), and LinkedIn.
  • Advanced image analysis for posts with visual elements.
  • Customizable tone and content length to match your brand's voice.
  • AI-powered suggestions for hashtags and keywords.
  • Option to include specific instructions for more personalized content.
PostIT - A go-to solution for engaging & tailored social media posts | Product Hunt

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Get Started

Ready to elevate your social media game? Sign up for PostIt today and start creating posts that capture attention and engage your audience.